“Founder Members” are persons who have made substantial contribution towards establishment of the Institute.


Every candidate for election as a “Fellow” or for transfer from Member to Fellow shall satisfy the Council that he possesses the following qualifications:

Age – He shall have attained the age of 40 years on the date of his application for election or transfer. In cases of extra ordinary attainments the Council may relax the age limit.

Occupation – He shall be engaged in the profession in a position of high responsibility or shall have retired from the profession after having held, before his application for election or transfer, a position of high responsibility.

Attainments – He shall have attained one of the following qualifications

He shall have been a Member for a period of atleast five years or such lesser period as the Council may in any particular case decide, and he shall have at least 10 years’ employment in aggregate in a position of responsibility in the profession of materials management.


He shall have such knowledge of the science of materials management and have acquired such a position of eminence in the profession that his admission would in the opinion of the Council be conducive to the interests of the Institute.


Every candidate for election as a Member or for transfer from Associate Member to Member shall satisfy the Council that he possesses the following qualifications:

Age – – He shall have attained the age of 30 years on the date of his application for election or transfer.

Occupation – He shall have been engaged in a position of responsibility in the field of materials management.

Qualification – He shall have received engineering education leading to an educational qualification.


Every candidate for election as an Associate Member or for transfer from Graduate to Associate Member shall satisfy the Council that he possesses the following qualifications:

Age – He shall have attained the age of 21 years on the date of his application for election or transfer.

Occupation – He shall have been engaged in the Profession in a capacity as considered suitable by the Council.

Qualification – He shall hold a minimum qualification of Graduation in Engg.


He shall have gained experience in any Railway or other organisation of repute in materials management department for a period of ten years and held responsible position.


“Honorary Fellows” all Ex-officio Member of Governing Council, if already not a Member of IRILMM, would be granted automatic free Honorary Membership for Life of the Institute from date of their appointment.